Our products, primarily line filters for the military, NATO and industry, have been in constant use for more than 25 years with consistent attenuation characteristic!

That's what we mean with quality!

That alone is not our strength!
We have also gained international recognition in the field of medical technology and hydrogen-based fuel cells


Filter technology

Bajog electronic GmbH is a developer and manufacturer of: - Mains filters of all types and designs from <1 Ampere to 4,000 Ampere from DC to 30,000 VAC, line filter, harmonic filter, sine-wave filter ...

- Network simulations for DC and AC applications up to 1,500 amperes according to CISPR standards
- Network replicas for mobile applications 24/48 volts
- Audio Frequency Blocker (for medium voltage level) tuned to all control signal frequencies up to> 850A / 20,000VAC,
- Coupling adapter for network analysis measurements with spectrum analyzers and measuring receivers, under load, without the use of a conventional network simulation
- Network analysis - Handheld devices for simple measurement and detection of interference voltages acc. EN - (CE) standard, directly on the supply network

- Spectrum - Analyzer PLC - MMS 01 with 5 integrated measuring functions:
- Measurement of the network impedance directly in the supply network at 230 / 440VAC (unique feature)
- Spectrum analysis (1 KHz - 60 MHz) without intermediate adapter Measurement directly in the supply network at 230/440 VAC
- Spectrum analysis at 50 ohms (like standard spectrum analyzers)
- Signal generator
- Oscilloscope


Medical technology

Bajog electronic developed in cooperation with well-known clinics an ambulant cancer treatment device. This allows carcinomas of different sizes to be destroyed on an outpatient basis in all areas of the body, including the head region.


Fuel cells

Bajog electronic works together with well-known companies as an integrator in the field of hydrogen-based fuel cells.
What distinguishes us is the possible variety of projects. We are able to equip 15,000 Volt drives and power supplies with fuel cells in the medium voltage range. That's why Passenger  u. Ferry boats are equipped with the same performance that they have previously received by diesel engines.
The advantage of this is:
- no pollutants enter the environment (pure water as waste product)
- no engine noise
- less space required

The new equipping and Retrofitting of buses and trucks is possible at any time. Ranges of> 1.000km with one filling are possible

Equipping houses and large operating buildings with fuel cells (230 V, 440 V and 20,000 Volt) in a self-sufficient manner (heat, cooling and electricity) is also part of our potential. In addition, solar energy, wind, water and biogas energy are used in all the above-mentioned applications to generate hydrogen independently (electrolyser) in order to close the cycle.

Although we develop and manufacture our products in Germany, since 1990 we have been showing time and time again that customer-specific developments can compete well with standard products, apart from the additional advantage that our customers receive exactly what they need and expect.

In the meantime nearly 4,000 different products have been developed and produced in our house.
It is not possible to publish all these products. In addition, we have promised exclusivity and product safety to many of our customers!

The corporate philosophy of Bajog electronic GmbH focuses primarily on customer satisfaction and has set itself the task of responding to customer-specific requirements in a very targeted manner and thus solving individual EMC problems.

In all our developments quality and efficiency are in the foreground.